Children make toys and other useful resources using locally available trash and materials. This helps in looking at waste as a useful resource and further pushes their creativity to build solutions using local resources.
Children learn stitching to be able to stitch school bags, pouches and other useful resources. They also learn to repair their clothes and stitch button on their shirts. This ensures they are not dependent on anyone for basic needs.
Currently they are learning embroidery and sewing skills.
Building critical thinking, creativity, decision making and problem solving at Innovation and Passion Lab
At our Innovation and Passion Lab children learn multiple skills based on their interests with the help of local mentors and rural artists. These artists include poets, singers, musicians, painters, innovators, writers, etc. who have practised their art form for more than 4 decades.
Currently children are learning local innovation, journalism, stitching, theatre, crafts and sketching at our lab.